The mod’s creator (who happens to be named Vendayn), isn’t some masochist taking pleasure from turning the world upside down. RELATED: Project Skywind: Recreating the World of Morrowindīut why would anyone want to suck the life from the province that we all love so well? The world becomes dark, foreboding, and oh so depressing. With Vendayn, Skyrim becomes a place where even Molag Bal would find no pleasure. In it’s place is a world stripped of its very soul leaving nothing but ash - cold and uncaring. Gone are the vivid colors and sweeping vistas.

The Vendayn mod completely wrenches the life out of Skyrim, transforming the once idyllic landscape into an apocalyptic horror. Well leave it to a modder to blow it all to Oblivion. And the world that envelopes you truly is like none other. Skyrim isn’t a game - it’s an experience. You can walk the lonely road from Riverwood to Whiterun, or explore the hidden places of the wild on your own two feet. The province of Skyrim is a real place full of flora and fauna, snow and ice.

Whether you’re climbing the Seven Thousand Steps of High Hrothgar or simply knocking back a mug of Honningbrew Mead at the Sleeping Giant Inn, the world’s most popular RPG gives off an unmistakable vibe that mesmerizes and captures the imagination of gamers. One of the most exciting things about Skyrim is the striking visuals.