To contain the violent actions of these human colonists, the Aglians created the Manhunters, a sentient race of androids whose purpose was to fight and contain humanity. The Aglians were a peaceful civilization dedicated to scientific advancement and were horrified at humanity's history of warfare and aggressive expansionism.

The human colonists believed the Aglians were a threat and formed a fleet to seek retribution for what they perceived as Aglian aggression. The encounter went poorly resulting in the destruction of the scout ship. While on such an exploration mission, a human scout ship encountered a more technologically-advanced alien race called Aglians. Manhunter takes place in a distant future where humanity has discovered faster-than-light travel and began to colonize the galaxy. Subsequent editions published by Myrmidon Press expanded the number of playable races to twelve and adopted the Megaversal System RPG system developed by Palladium Books. The game includes a GM's screen The 2nd edition adds an introductory scenario with a description of a space port but lacks the GM's screen. The rules also cover personal combat, space combat, experience, robots, three alien races, and a brief spell list. It is a skill-based system, with four types of skills: Finesse (acrobatics, archery, light blades, etc.), Manual (brawling, climbing, heavy blades, etc.), Mental (scientific, magical, psionic), and Reaction (piloting, fast draw, etc.). The Manhunter system features much savage hi-tech combat, set in the far-future Manhunter universe, for which a history and star charts are provided.

(extremely rare cleansing group spawn that goes around settlements every 1 to 2 days.(even rarer Idealistic Citizens spawn that does the same within 3 to days).(Zealous Conscripts that are rarer and do the same within 3 to 6 days).(Manhunters spawn that does the same but within 1 to 4 days.).

(Village Watch and Town Watch spawns that patrol around their spawns initially and then move to closest settlement after 3 to 6 days.Righteous Citizen -> Manhunter -> Veteran Manhunter -> Sherrif Burgher -> Trained Youth OR Righteous Citizen.Trained Youth -> Town Guard OR Town Marksman.Village Scout -> Village Ranger OR Lookout. Village Youth -> Village Scout OR Trained Youth.